6 ways to make scrapple | Food | lancasteronline.com

2022-07-30 00:48:44 By : Mr. Leo Lo

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An archive dive found a dozen scrapple recipes, from traditional pork scrapple to scrapple made with chicken or turkey.

Here are six scrapple recipes from LancasterOnline archives:

Multiply the ingredients by the number of pounds of meat that will be used.

Grind the meat 1 time through a 1/8-inch plate. Mix all the other ingredients into meat. It may take a little trial and error to know whether to add more broth or water.

Cook for 2 hours at 160 F or until golden brown. Pour into scrapple pans. Cool and package for freezing.

Note: Pork bone meat makes the best scrapple, but other meats or plain ground meat can be used.

Source: A Gap reader, LNP archives

4 cups cooked ground meat, beef or chicken

1-1/4 cups whole-wheat flour (Golden 86)

Heat broth and meat. Mix cornmeal and flour with a little broth to soak. Slowly add to broth mixture. Cook slowly in heavy kettle for 30 minutes. Pour into loaf pans. Let soak overnight. Wrap and freeze.

Source: A Three Springs, Pa. reader, LNP archives

Separate one hog’s head into halves. Remove and discard the eyes and brains (some heads already have discarded eyes).

Scrape and thoroughly clean the head. Put into a large, heavy kettle and cover with 4 or 5 quarts of cold water. Simmer gently for 2 to 3 hours or until the meat falls from the bones. Skim grease from the surface; remove meat, chop fine (Annamarie uses a grinder) and return to liquid in the kettle. Season with salt and pepper, to taste, 1 teaspoon ground sage, and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon coriander.

Stir in granulated yellow corn meal, a little at a time. Its measurement depends on the amount of liquid. Stir constantly until mixture is thickened to the consistency of soft mush. Cook over low heat for 1 hour, stirring occasionally, as mixture scorches easily. (Annamarie suggests stirring constantly.)

When cooked and fairly thick, pour the Ponhaus into greased loaf pans and cool.

To serve, cut into thin slices — 1/4 to 1/2 inch — and fry in hot fat until crisp and browned.

Source: Annamarie Dieterle, Hatfield, Pa., LNP archives

12 cups venison, cooked and ground

Bring ingredients to a boil.

Mix cornmeal and flour together dry. Add slowly to boiling mixture, using a hand mixer to stir. Keep adding cornmeal mixture until spoon remains standing upright in scrapple. Pour into pans and cool.

Source: Mrs. Martin, Lewisburg, Pa., LNP archives

1-1/2 teaspoons salt or beef bouillon cube

Cook ground turkey; drain. Then add 1-1/2 cups water and put in blender. When blended, add the other 1-1/2 cups water. Add the cornmeal mixture, and then put in a pan and cook on low, slowly, for 30 minutes. Stir often.

Pour in loaf pan and let cool. You can slice and fry, or freeze some if you like.

Source: Vera Kurtz, Ephrata, LNP archives

Salt, pepper and garlic powder, to taste

1 cup ground corn flour or cornmeal

Cook chicken in pan over medium heat until it is brown. Add water, bouillon, poultry seasoning, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Stir until all ingredients are combined.

Add corn flour. Stir constantly until well-thickened, almost like a mush. If using cornmeal, cook a bit longer and add a bit of water, if needed.

Line a loaf pan with plastic wrap. Pour mush into lined pan. Chill overnight.

Remove from pan and cut slices off as needed.

Place in hot pan with a bit of butter; be careful not to burn the butter. Sauté over medium-high, turning down heat if necessary, on both sides, till golden-brown.

Serve hot with cranberry or blueberry butter, if available.

Source: Chef Carl Kosko, LNP archives

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Love it or hate it, scrapple is a Lancaster County tradition.

We know it's been circled on your calendar all year long. 

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Love it or hate it, scrapple is a Lancaster County tradition.

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